Emergency Flood Relief for First Nations in BC

On Wednesday, December 22, 2022— In response to the historic flooding our province faced, the BC Muslim Association, in collaboration with faith based charities, including Human Concern International (HCI), IDRF, Penny Appeal, Islamic Relief Canada, Islam Unravelled, and Foundation for a Path Forward provided $35,000 for the the First Nations Emergency Services Society (FNESS) to […]

The Columbia Institute Presents: What can local governments do about Islamophobia?

Foundation co-founders Tariq Tyab and Yusuf Siraj as they present to elected leaders across BC and Canada. Items discussed include: How Islamophobia is Showing up in Urban and Rural Communities in BC. How the Internet is contributing to and propagating hate against Muslims. Ideas for local governments to tackle Islamophobia at the municipal level .

Truth and Reconciliation Day

Today marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in B.C. and Canada. The day honours the lost children and Survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process. Both the National Day […]

Sikh and Muslim Community United in Service for Vulnerable Communities in Surrey, B.C.

The SACH Community Hub: Uniting and Serving Communities August 2nd, 2021, Surrey, B.C. The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare many of the ongoing social and systemic challenges we face as a society. Many families and individuals living throughout the Lower Mainland including new immigrants, refugees, and IBPoC community members are unaware of, or unable to, […]

In Support Of St. George Coptic Orthodox Church

SURREY, B.C. – On July 19, 2021, A fire broke out at Surrey’s St. George Coptic Orthodox Church. Surrey RCMP has confirmed there was an attempted arson at the church previously, and that the investigation is ongoing. It is suspected that this fire may be a misguided attempt of retaliation for the residential schools forced […]