Stop Asian Hate: Asians and Allies United! -2022

(May 25, 2022) The COVID-19 epidemic in January 2020 sparked widespread anxiety, as well as the quick dissemination of misinformation. Throughout the pandemic, bad actors used social media and fake documents from health organizations to instill unfounded fear and paranoia, with tragic consequences. According to Statistics Canada, In 2020, the number of police-reported hate crimes against the […]

International Youth Day: Canadian Youth Leading the Fight for Social Justice & the Environment!

The vision for this event is to celebrate & amplify youth leaders working at the intersection of environmental and social justice Initiatives. Today’s youth are taking a leading role in effecting systemic change in society through anti-racism initiatives, climate change advocacy, and progressive activities. For more information on the event organizers please visit: Foundation 4Ward […]

National Forum Supporting Legislation to Combat Online Hate

We are hosting this forum to raise awareness and lend support to regulation being written by the Canadian Government to address online hate. Canada can take a leading role in helping to bring an end to global online hate — and hopefully real-world violence. We are privileged to co-organize this event with the Canadian Anti-Hate […]